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Asset Management and Mergers & Acquisitions

Business Profile

Asset Management and Mergers & Acquisitions is a core business of V&T Law Firm. V&T Law Firm maintains partnerships with many major investment banks, financial institutions, headquarters private equity firm, and excellent institutional investors. With rich legal resources in the investment and financial industries, we are dedicated to providing clients with one-stop legal and compliance services.

In the field of Asset Management, V&T Law Firm provides legal and compliance services throughout the entire industry chain, with banks, sub-companies of banks wealth management, insurance companies, trust companies, asset management companies, financial asset management company, securities and futures companies, listed companies, state-owned enterprises and their subsidiaries engaged in asset management business, and private equity fund managers as the main bodies of its services..


In the field of private equity, V&T Law Firm provides legal services for the management of major private equity funds in the entire process, such as the process of investment management, structuring, investment development, compliance, liquidation and dispute resolution, etc., as well as legal services for fund investment, such as fund compliance review, investment compliance counseling and advice, and dispute resolution, etc.


In the field of investment, financing and mergers and acquisitions (M&A), V&T Law Firm provides clients of various natures with complete transaction plans for investment or financing, including the overall transaction plan, process plan, execution plan, and the whole process of legal and policy counseling services.


Our legal services include:

In the field of asset management:

  • Providing year-round legal support to asset management organizations for compliance operation.
  • Providing specialized legal services for asset management institutions on risk management and internal control system improvement, anti-money laundering, investor rights and interests protection, and other special legal services;
  • Providing legal services such as transaction and shareholding structure design, compliance argumentation, due diligence, commercial negotiation, drafting and revising of transaction documents, assisting in settlement and confirming rights for asset management organizations self-owned funds and products to invest outside;
  • Providing risk management, pre-litigation diagnosis and dispute resolution services for disputes arising in the course of operation or exit of self-owned assets and products of asset management institutions investment.


In the field of mergers and acquisitions:

  • Due diligence on the transaction subject and the proposed transaction and the corresponding report;
  • Transaction architecture and corporate governance framework design and reviewing reasonable compliance;
  • Signing of M&A related documents and assisting in the delivery of the transaction subject;
  • Providing specialized legal services such as investment structure design, compliance verification, project due diligence, and drafting of investment agreements for various types of outbound investments of foundations;
  • Providing compliance advice and dispute resolution as well as other legal services for risk management and investor relations.


In the field of private fund:

  • Assisting in business negotiations, drafting and reviewing legal documents for ancillary transactions;
  • Providing legal support for the compliance of the entire process of raising, investing, managing and refunding private funds as well as the resolution of major and difficult issues., with particular expertise in providing legal support for key issues of national and government guiding fund and state-owned funds.
  • Providing year-round legal support for compliance operation of asset management organizations;
  • Providing specialized legal services for asset management institutions, such as risk management and improvement of internal control system, anti-money laundering, protection of investors' rights and interests, and so on;
  • Providing specialized legal services for private fund market entry (management registration and fund filing);
  • Advising on the overall optimization of investment and financing programs.
Service Performance
  • 金茂资本福州长乐股权投资项目
  • 平安不动产优先股投资项目
  • 深圳市招商平安资产管理有限责任公司的其他专项事务
  • 信达投资有限公司的其他专项事务
  • 奥园美谷科技股份有限公司的常年法律顾问及其他专项事务
  • 联创投资集团股份有限公司的其他专项事务
  • 中国风险投资有限公司的其他专项事务
  • 天润资本管理(北京)有限公司的其他专项事务
  • 中交投资基金管理(北京)有限公司的私募基金管理人重大事项变更
  • 常州龙城科创发展基金(有限合伙)私募基金产品备案项目
  • 常州晋星私募基金管理有限公司私募基金管理人登记
  • 大有(天津)私募基金管理有限公司私募基金管理人登记
  • 高利(无锡)私募基金管理有限公司成功私募基金管理人登记
  • 武汉燕莎创业投资基金有限公司私募基金管理人登记
  • 国投万和资产管理有限公司的企业法律顾问
  • 标信智链(杭州)科技发展有限公司的常年法律顾问
  • 北京奇伦天佑创业投资有限公司重大事项变更业务
  • 金茂资本完成收购北京启迪大厦项目
  • 华侨城(亚洲)控股有限公司的其他专项事务
  • 嘉兴平茂叁号投资合伙企业(有限合伙)的私募基金备案项目
  • 华侨城集团收购天津旅游集团股权投资项目
  • 深圳市前海开发投资控股有限公司收购中集产城集团股权投资项目
  • 世茂集团收购福建福晟地产集团大型房地产资产包项目
  • 世茂集团收购深圳市德业基投资集团深圳区域房地产资产包项目
  • 中海集团收购深圳市宝安25区城市更新项目
  • 花样年集团收购深圳市龙华区三联地块土地整备利益统筹项目
  • 信达投资有限公司的投资业务-南京中和桥项目
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