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Criminal Risk Prevention & Defense

Business Profile

V&T‘s criminal prosecution team consists of professional defense lawyers specializing in various areas of criminal law. Most of our leading lawyers graduated from China’s top universities and have a wide range of expertise in many fields. Prior to joining the firm, some of our lawyers served as police officers, senior prosecutors, and judges in public security bureaus, procuratorates, and courts, where they gained much valuable experience working in the criminal justice system. 


The criminal prosecution team focuses on researching the latest developments in criminal law, judicial interpretations, meeting minutes, and the guidance of public security bureaus, procuratorates and courts at all levels, common and significant procedural law, and guiding cases of substantive law. We handle criminal cases in an interdisciplinary and team-oriented manner, and have extensive experience dealing with matters related to smuggling, drugs, intellectual property, finance, taxation, commercial bribery, and employment-related crimes. We have extensive trial experience, including major cases supervised by the Ministry of Public Security, the Provincial Public Security Departments, and China Securities Regulatory Commission. Some of the more famous cases were featured in the national media, like CCTV and major provincial and municipal television stations and newspapers.



Our legal services include:


  • Criminal defense for companies and individuals
  • Criminal legal risk prevention and control for companies or individuals
  • Analysis of criminal accusations and applicable law
  • Representation for criminal charges, appeals, investigations, and evidence gathering
  • Professional criminal defense for matters involving intellectual property rights
  • Criminal legal risk reports regarding financial management, construction engineering, high and new technologies, trade, medicine, and the media
Service Performance
  • 徐某特大运输毒品案。审判结果为减轻处罚
  • 厅级干部严某受贿案,认定构成自首,获从轻处罚
  • 某大厂分公司助理总经理涉嫌职务侵占、非国家工作人员受贿罪,最终获无罪判决
  • 某涉嫌诈骗4500万的主犯之一,量刑建议十年以上,最终判决帮信罪,获刑二年十个月
  • 施某涉嫌危害珍贵、濒危野生动物罪,在一审判决十年的情况下,二审介入最终改判为五年
  • 徐某涉嫌敲诈勒索罪一案,前案同案犯已判实刑,且对其本人量刑建议5年,经过无罪辩护争取,法院同意量刑三年,并适用缓刑
  • 财务副总监涉嫌非法经营罪,案涉非法换汇金额62.6亿元,检察机关决定不起诉
  • 某被告人涉嫌骗取出口退税罪,案涉价税金额合计27.9亿元,辩护效果明显
  • 正厅级干部王某受贿罪一案(受贿金额近900万元),二审听取辩护人意见,认定王某构成立功,改判对其减少刑期二年
  • 刘某等贩卖、制造芬太尼等多种新型毒品案(入选最高法2020十大毒品犯罪典型案例
  • 某公司负责人孙某涉嫌非法利用信息网络罪一案,侦查阶段取保候审
  • 某国际运输公司负责人黄某及涉嫌虚开发票两千余万,后判处缓刑
  • 洪某涉嫌掩饰、隐瞒犯罪所得、犯罪所得收益一千余万,后判处四年有期徒刑
  • 麦某某贪污、受贿案。审判结果为深圳市人民检察院将案件发回龙岗区检察院,区检察院不起诉1400万元贪污罪,起诉行贿罪,缓刑
  • 王某某等人特大骗购外汇案。审判结果:涉案金额折合人民币73亿元,减轻处罚
  • 沙头角海关中英街桥头旅检科冯某某受贿、放纵走私案。审判结果为法院认定不构成受贿罪,判后当月释放
  • 郭某某走私普通货物案。审判结果为上诉发回重审被法院认定立功,减轻处罚,当月释放
  • 深圳保税区甲企业偷逃关税2.77亿元案。审判结果为报关部主管齐某减轻处罚
  • 深圳保税区乙企业偷逃关税9465万元案。审判结果为财务总监裴某某减轻处罚
  • 广东省公安厅督办邹某某特大非法吸收公众存款案。本案涉案资金40亿元
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